SpareRib is the uncompromising rib protection armour (Rippenprotector) that prevents the incurrence of every gokart drivers nightmare: 

Rib pain (mal de cötes) resulting from side impacts and powerful sideforces during high speed cornering, a condition becomming more and more common with all the new soft tires!

SpareRib is unlike anything else on the market! To effectively distribute the pointet blows you receive from the edges of the seat, SpareRib utilizes layers of 2+3mm (1/5") tough plastic plates and 8mm (5/16") HD foam.

SpareRib performs at its best where other solutions quit!

ORIGO Engineering ApS
Skalstrupgaard 1G
4621 Gadstrup

CVR nr.: 25471032
Tlf.: +45 24 65 68 11
Tlf.: +45 46 36 80 60

info (at)